Greensboro Science Center

2024 Fall Classes

2024 Fall Classes

Join our fall classes at the GSC for a season of adventure and learning! All of our age-appropriate programs emphasize engaging education, so be prepared to jump in and DO science. Choose from science explorations and/or brick engineering and robotics!

Scroll to the bottom for robotics labs.

Registration for our 2024 fall classes is Monday, September 16th at 9:00 am for GSC members and Thursday, September 19th at 9:00 am for non-members.

Registration is required. Full class fees are due at the time of registration. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. You must be a current GSC member at the time of registration to receive the member price. Memberships may be purchased or renewed separately by calling 336-288-3769, ext. 1324.

GSC Member Pricing

  • Ages 3-4: Nature Tots – $45 Member adult/child pair
  • Ages 6-7: Pint-sized Professors – $45
  • Ages 8-10: Science Explorers – $45
  • Ages 5-11: Homeschool Adventures – $60
    • Your second child receives $10 off a session.
  • Ages 12-14: STEM Academy – $85
  • Robotics: $30

Non-Member Pricing

  • Ages 3-4: Nature Tots – $60 Adult/child pair
  • Ages 6-7: Pint-sized Professors – $65
  • Ages 8-10: Science Explorers – $65
  • Ages 5-11: Homeschool Adventures – $80
    • Your second child receives $10 off a session.
  • Ages 12-14: STEM Academy – $105
  • Robotics: $40

GSC member registration opens Monday, September 16, 2024, at 9:00 am
Registration is required. Full class fees are due at the time of registration. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. You must be a current GSC member at the time of registration to receive the member price. Memberships may be purchased or renewed separately by calling 336-288-3769, ext. 1324.

Non-member registration opens Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 9:00 am 

Refunds (minus the $25 processing fee per participant per class) for cancellations will be issued, provided the GSC is notified at least 14 days in advance of the class start date. A service charge of $15 per participant per class will be charged for changes. 

The GSC reserves the right to cancel a class due to insufficient enrollment. We will make this determination one week prior to the beginning of the class. Should this occur, you will receive a notification and a full refund. Limited financial assistance may be available. Contact Tucker Campbell at for details.

Science Explorations

After-School, Homeschool and Pre-K Classes for ages 3-14

It’s time for fall fun with our youngest scientists! Hands-on classes involve animals, simple science, art, and stories revolving around each tot/adult pair. New this season, two sessions of 4 classes each are offered. Each session will offer new and unique classes and will be a mix of science topics. You may sign up for one session or both! You must stick to your class time (am or pm). The class schedule is posted on our website.

NT1: Tuesdays, October 1, 8, 15, 22; 10:00-11:00 am
NT2: Tuesdays, October 29; November 5, 12, 19; 10:00-11:00 am

NT3: Tuesdays, October 1, 8, 15, 22; 1:30-2:30 pm
NT4: Tuesdays, October 29; November 5, 12, 19; 1:30-2:30 pm

$40 Member adult/child pair; $60 Non-member adult/child pair
NOTE: Your second child aged 3-4 receives $5 off a session.

Mountains to Coast 
Join us at the GSC as we explore the regions of our beautiful state and learn about the different habitats and the inhabitants of each region. We’ll spend time outside at nearby nature trails so dress accordingly. Animal crafts and animal visitors to the classroom will round out this series.

PS1: Wednesdays, October 2, 9, 16, 23; 3:30-4:45 pm
$45 Members/$65 Non-members

Creature Features
Take a leap into the fascinating world of animal adaptations! We’ll explore how animals develop unique physical traits and behaviors to survive in their environments, and how some animals can be indicators of the quality of the environment around them. We’ll even be able to see these adaptations in action with animal visitors to our classroom! 

SE1: Thursdays, October 3, 10, 17, 24; 3:30-4:45 pm
$45 Members/$65 Non-members

Join us for science classes geared for our homeschool students. New this season, two sessions of 4 classes each are offered. Each session will offer different topics, and includes hands-on science focused on biology, physical science, animals and more. Sign up for one session or both to make an 8 week course! Each class is geared towards the appropriate age level. The class schedule is posted on our website.

Ages 5-7
HS1: Wednesdays, October 2, 9, 16, 23; 9:30-11:00 am
HS2: Wednesdays, October 30; November 6, 13, 20; 9:30-11:00 am 

Ages 8-11
HS3: Thursdays, October 3, 10, 17, 24; 9:30-11:00 am
HS4: Thursdays, October 31; November 7, 14, 21; 9:30-11:00 am

$60 Members/$80 Non-members
NOTE: Your second child receives $10 off a session.

Animal Planet
Join us in the wild world of zoology! We’ll take a detailed look at the animal kingdom, and discover how animals are classified and what makes each grouping unique in this six-week series. Discover behaviors and traits that help animals survive, and learn why some species are endangered. Get ready to explore the animal kingdom like never before!

HS5: Fridays, October 18, 25; November 1, 8, 15, 22; 9:30-11:00 am
$85 Members/$105 Non-members

Fall into science with our fun learning series for kids ages 3-4 with one accompanying adult. Each week features activities that may make a mess, so dress accordingly. New this season, two sessions of 4 classes each are offered. Each session will offer new and unique classes and will be a mix of science topics. You may sign up for one session or both! Remember, you must stick to your class time (10:00-11:00 am or 1:30-2:30 pm). Registration is required at

Session 1

  1. Red Panda Day!                     October 1
    It will be panda-monium as we learn about our bamboo-eating red pandas – Tai, Madeline, Azula & Miso. We’ll make a fun red panda mask that we can wear during our chat with the red panda keeper.


  2. Pollinator Parade           October 8
    What’s all the buzz about pollinators? Let’s learn about butterflies, bees and other pollinators. We’ll make a fun pollinator craft and learn how we can support our pollinators. 

  3. Autumn Adventures           October 15
    Colorful leaves, falling acorns and shorter days mean fall is in the air. Let’s explore the Science Center campus to collect leaves and acorns for a fall scavenger hunt. 

  4. Wondrous Water           October 22
    Why is water so special for life? We will take a closer look at how water can change and move. We’ll get hands-on to see what will sink and float, and even make a craft to take home to continue the fun.  

Session 2

  1. Not-so Spooky Skeletons October 29
    Join us as we explore the world of bones and skeletons! We’ll get hands-on with bones and skulls of a variety of animals, and make our own skeleton craft. 

  2. Animal Homes November 5
    There’s no place like home! Come learn where our animal friends like to find food, raise young and curl up for the night. We’ll get up close with some biofacts to see how animals create their homes and create our own version of an animal home! 

  3. Colorful Fun November 12
    The season of color and light is almost upon us. Red, blue and yellow-what happens when mischievous mice investigate colors? Let’s take a closer look at color through stories and crafts, and meet a colorful animal or two. 

  4. Under the Sea November 19
    Dive into class to learn about  the wonders of the ocean and the amazing creatures that live there. We’ll make our own ocean in a bottle as we explore the differences between air breathers and gill breathers. Class will wrap up at Shark Reef for a closer look at our ocean friends. 

Join us for science classes geared for our homeschool students. New this season, two sessions of 4 classes each are offered. Each session will offer new and unique classes, and includes hands-on science focused on animals, physical science and more. Sign up for one session or both to make an 8 week course! Each class is geared towards the appropriate age level. Registration is required at

Ages 5-7

HS1: Wednesdays, October 2, 9, 16, 23; 9:30-11:00 am
HS2: Wednesdays, October 30; November 6, 13, 20; 9:30-11:00 am 

Ages 8-11

HS3: Thursdays, October 3, 10, 17, 24; 9:30-11:00 am
HS4: Thursdays, October 31; November 7, 14, 21; 9:30-11:00 am

Session 1 

  1. Chasing Rainbows October 2 and 3
    Get ready to see the world in a whole new light! Come learn what light is and how it creates the beautiful colors we see every day. We’ll do some experiments with light and meet a colorful animal or two!

  2. Square Foot Detectives October 9 and 10
    Put your detective hat on and get ready to explore the tiny wonders of nature! We’ll investigate the biodiversity that can be found in just one square foot of land. We’ll learn to observe, identify and protect the mini-ecosystems right under our feet. 

  3. Bubbleology October 16 and 17
    How long can you hold a bubble filled with puffs of fog? We’ll answer this question and more as we explore the science of soap and bubbles. We’ll experiment with bubble recipes to see which ones make the largest or most bubbles and find out why we use soap to clean up. 

  4. Classic Jurassic October 23 and 24
    Future paleontologists will really dig this class. Search for real fossils, uncover fun dinosaur facts and meet living dinosaur relatives. 

Session 2 

  1. Oh Ick! October 31 and November 1
    Through experiments, we’ll investigate things that can be icky, sticky and yucky! Topics include bacteria, germs, blood, creepy crawlies and more. We’ll set up some “bacteria hotels” and see what grows using a microscope. Class will wrap up with meeting some animals that get an “icky” reputation! 

  2. Zoom and Kaboom November 6 and 7
    Explore the science behind things that zoom through the air and go kaboom! We’ll experiment with catapults, volcanoes, static electricity and more. Learn how these forces work and launch into the world of flying and exploding wonders.
  3. What goes up… November 13 and 14
    Must come down! Or does it? Experiment with gravity and air as we make gravity toys, infinity fliers and fill Bernoulli bags. We’ll learn all about air pressure and wind movement in this gravity-defying class.
  4. Amazing Animals November 20 and 21
    Take a peek inside the world of zoology! We’ll learn how large the animal kingdom is and how animals are grouped together. We’ll speak to keepers and meet an animal or two to learn how we take care of such a diverse group of animals here at the GSC!

Brick Engineering & Robotics Classes

Simple Machines
Calling all Beginning Builders! Let’s use LEGO Simple Machines kits to design complex things out of simple machines. Learn about gears, pulleys, and wheels as we explore how things work together. 

BB1: Thursdays, October 10, 17, 24; 11:00 am-12:00 pm
$30 Members/$40 Non-members

Intro to Stop Motion Animation
Lights, Camera, Action! Let’s head to the classroom Stop Motion Animation studio to create mini movies using a variety of bricks, dry-erase animation, and other mediums based around weekly prompts and challenges.

RE1: Thursdays, October 10, 17, 24; 9:15-10:30 am
RE2: Thursdays, October 10, 17, 24; 3:30-4:45 pm
$30 Members/$40 Non-members

Stop Motion Animation Design
Take a picture… Now, take a hundred more. Our Intermediate Engineers will explore the art of stop motion animation through a variety of mediums to create mini movies based on weekly themes and storylines. 

IE1: Thursdays, November 7, 14, 21; 11:00 am-12:15 pm
IE2: Thursdays, November 7, 14, 21; 3:30-4:45 pm
$30 Members/$40 Non-members

Brick Masters
Builders around the world utilize strong building techniques to create amazing works of art. Join us as we learn the best practices as students take on traditional builds with new techniques. 

RR1: Thursdays, December 5, 12, 19; 11:00 am-12:15 pm
$30 Members/$40 Non-members

Contact Us

Questions or comments? Email or call 336-288-3769 x1389.